Fried Pies

These are a couple of my favorite pictures of my Mom and my girls.
I wish I had taken more pictures that day.
It was Christmas Eve-Eve in 2000.
We were making Fried Apple Pies.
One of the best things my Grandmother made were her Fried Apple Pies
and we loved carrying on the tradition with my Mom.

We need to make some Fried Pies again soon.

The really amazing thing about these pictures is that my oldest daughter was only 10 in these photos. The twins were 3.
Where did all those years go?


Elle said…
Okay, ADORABLE!!! <3 I love it! Thanks for sharing all these memories Lisa!!
Joyce said…
Fried Pies! My Great Aunt, who we will be seeing next week, makes these too. I'll have to see if she is up to making some for my kids and letting me see how they are made.

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