Garland Giveaway

Good Morning! 
I just want to say "Hello" and welcome to my regular readers as well as anyone linking over from Sew, Mama, Sew's May Giveaway Day.
I am very excited to be participating in this fun giveaway.
Bloggers across the internet are giving away homemade items this week.
I am giving away this festive handmade red, white and blue basic garland
as well as a copy of my pattern "Garland Galore" which retails for $9 (US).
If you would like an opportunity to win these two prizes please leave a comment telling me what is your favorite thing to do in the Summer.  The contest will remain open through Midnight (central time) May 20th.  I will use a random number selector to pick a winner from the many comments and post the winners name on my blog May 21st.  Please make sure I have an email address to contact you either through your profile or in your comment.

If you would like to purchase a "Garland Galore" pattern they are available for purchase in my Etsy shop at
or at Whimsy Cottage, located in Holladay, Utah.

I am approving all comments before they post so don't worry when your comment doesn't show right away.  I will see and read EVERY comment!
Thanks for stopping by and Happy Giveaway!


Freddie said…
I love garlands! If you don't mind shipping overseas, please count me in (I am in England)
Thank you x
Anonymous said…
Wow, I'm deeply impressed!
Would be so nice to be the lucky one.

Kind regards from Germany
Becky J. said…
i love the garland. i have just the spot it will go too.
summer places: hikes, and camping.
Kristin said…
My favorite thing is camping and campfires!
--ginger. said…
Hey--this looks like a super fun giveaway! Count me in!
Desperate Witty Owl said…
hope i'm the one =)
kt said…
Great garland. Thanks for the chance to win. In the summer I love to swim at the pool with my kids.
Anonymous said…
Hi! What fab garlands. Things to do in summer....get the barbie out and grow a few veggies to make the salads and veggie kebabs!!
kelli said…
Hands down my favorite thing to do in the summer is spend time with family while outside (particularly at the beach) but I'll take anywhere there's sun and water!!
I love the garland--my living room is red, white and blue!!
Mare said…
I love garlands and the heart one is just very cute!
Greetings from Chile!
Jessica said…
I love the red, white, and blue garland and would adore a pattern. My favorite thing to do in the summer is go to the drive-in theater and tailgate, we still have two drive-ins within drive-able distance of us! Thanks for the opportunity!
chad and cheryl said…
These are so cute! I love garlands, and make them often for birthdays, etc. I love your patterns!!viesib
Genevieve P said…
My favorite thing to do in summer is eat all the scrumptious fresh fruits and veggies! I love summer salads. thanks for the giveaway!
parknj at verizon dot net
Debbie B Sam said…
What a great giveaway! My favorite thing to do in the summer is go down to the river with all the young cousins and spend the day just soaking up the sun and company!
Anonymous said…
I just told my husband I wanted a red, white and blue garland. Our first born bday is july 3 we love to go to fireworks on the fourth.
Holly U said…
Hey, I need to make a garland or two...this is perfect!
Anonymous said…
I love to go the the fourth of July celebration in Provo. I also love camping
Crystal Hendrix said…
Those are so pretty!! My favorite thing to do in the summer is to swim!!

Valerie said…
Too adorable!! We love to get snow cones in the summer:)
Anonymous said…
In the summer we like to relax at the Jersey Shore.
carmel said…
i love those garlends
so pretty!
i love drinking and eating cool things
i love the air condetioner
i love going to the pool even though i dont enter the water this year cues i need to loose some whight before :-)
Cathy said…
Thank you for the giveaway! I love the garland, and it looks like it would be fun to try some of the others too.
Nanbon44 said…
please enter my name in your lovely drawing
ladycolmn(at)aol(dot)com from the Florida Gulf Coast area
Unknown said…
I am loving those garland patterns!
Shelly said…
My favorite thing about summer? Fresh produce! Especially some juciy cold watermelon!
MooBear Designs said…
My favourite thing to do in Summer is wear my bikini in my back yard... LOL...

xo Steph
Ellechim said…
Great Items! My favorite summer thing to do is to sit in my swing and watch my dogs play.

Thank you!

elle8130 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Cricket said…
My favorite thing to do in summer? Toast marshmallows with the fam in the backyard. Hands down.

My niece's 4th birthday is on the 4th of July (come to think of it, her birthday falls on the 4th of July every year...) and I know your garland would make a sweet decoration each year for her party.
Mama Lusco said…
Fun prizes! We like to go camping as often as possible in the summer. Thank you!
AnnieO said…
The garland is cute! Nice prize.

My favorite thing to do in the summer is have BBQ's with my family!
Carpenters said…
What cute garland! I may have to add these to my to sew list. Thanks for the great giveaway!
West Side of Straight said…
great idea. thanks for the chance of winning. jo in Minnesota
This is great i actually wanted to make some to spice my sewing room and my girls room..

I would love to win this

Pop by my site to join in my giveaway when you have time
Anonymous said…
Cute giveaway! That red,white,and blue one would be perfect for when my brother comes home from Afganistan in July!
Anonymous said…
Your garlands are beautiful!
I love summer gardening and hiking and family picnics at the lake.
Baa-Me Kniits said…
Oooohhh I love garlands, fingers crossed for your lovely pattern :-) My favourite thing to do in summer is sit in the garden with a nice cup of tea with my husband and the boys and watch all the wallabies that come to eat the nice sweet grass in our horse paddock. We have a community of about 20 now and they are great to watch.
Kate said…
I've always loved garlands but never tried to make one. That one would look perfect on my porch for the 4th of July and a book on how to make more would be really cool!
thanks for the opportunity!!
steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo* com
Gill said…
I love cooking/eating outside in the summer - lets hope we actually get one this year in the UK!!

deserae said…
I love to go to the lake and go boating in the summer!
Sara said…
One of my favorite summer things is picnics.
Jenny said…
my favorite summer activity is soaking up the sun! just feeling the heat mind you, i wear lots of SPF...but im always cold and winter makes me gloom and doom, so BRING ON THE SUM! thanks for a hcance.
Krystina said…
I love the garlands! I hope I'm lucky.

My favorite thing to do in the summer has to be going to the beach!
MossyOakLane said…
I just started making banners. Your patterns are sooo cute! Love them!

Our fave thing to do in the summer is camping!
Kelly said…
I love your garland. And I love to walk through the garden and pick fresh veggies in the summer.
Richelle said…
I just love being outside-camping, hiking, swimming... I love the banner!
Unknown said…
eat watermelon
RyanSarahN said…
cute garland! I love making s'mores in the summer. and eating watermelon. and being warm outside
Cute American Garland!!! We live in Northern Idaho, so it's not real warm for every long, so we take advantage of the heat and go to the beach pretty much every day. I love the things my kids invent to do there.
Rachel C said…
Cute! We love the beach in the summer. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
rach62803@yahoo dot com
kathytypestoo said…
awesome! thanks for the chance to win :)
merlinthecat said…
Ohhh Great Prize! In the summer I love spending more time outside and going to the zoo with my girls.
Kimberly said…
Ugh, I forgot to add that I love BBQs in the summer! Please feel free to delete my previous comment....
A family of boys said…
I've been wanting to make some holiday garlands for the past couple of years. Thanks for reminding and giving me the nudge.

Thanks for the wonderful chance.

Oh yeah...during the summer, I absolutely love getting up early, before anyone else in the house, and enjoying a cup of coffee on the deck.
Oh, My Darling said…
I love going to music festivals in the summer! omydarlingblog(at)gmail(dot)com
Dawn said…
Favorite thing to do in the summer is sit outside and chit chat with the neighbors. :)
Micmacker said…
Whoops - at least you're reading these so you'll see this is my second post, sorry! - I deleted the sentence about my favorite thing in summer - swimming in the lake! And again, the garlands are so sweet.
Silka said…
I love camping in the summer and I'm going tomorrow! Lovely garland.

silkaphyllis at
2dayisgood said…
my favorite things to do in the summer are swim and sew, but not at the same time :)
hello, thanks for the generous giveaway!

come visit my giveaway too at my blog.

whimsyloft [at] gmail [dot] com
JJ said…
Go to the beach!
Brooke said…
such a festive one! love it.
Jocelyn said…
Lovely giveaway. I enjoy taking trips with my family. It is always fun to get away. We all seem to enjoy each others company. Thanks for entering me :-)
Jerri said…
I love these! I was considering something patriotic to make to hang in the house, what a perfect answer. Either your handmade one, or the pattern would be awesome! In the summer, I like to be cool. The sprinklers at the park are nice for the kids. What we do more often is have a ton of little children over to play inside which gets too loud and the mommies don't get to chat as much as we'd like.
Robin D. said…
my favorite summer thing is growing veggies in my garden, and then eating them! i also love shopping at farmer's markets! thanks for this great giveaway, your garlands are lovely!
Sue said…
My favorite thing to do for summer is host an extended family "Regatta" on the 24th of July where we make homemade sailboats and race them in my parents pool. We have prizes, trophies, T-Shirts. It is so fun. This garland would be awesome for my party!!! xoxo Sue
Tiziana said…
what is my favorite thing to do in the Summer??? 1)sewing under a tree, 2) sleeping under a tree!!
hello from Italy!
Marcia W. said…
Just in time for the Fourth of July... My favorite summer activity is eating cold watermelon in the afternoon. Thank you for the giveaway prize. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Skooks said…
I'm looking forward to some good zoo trips with the kids this summer!

Stephanie said…
My favorate thing to do in summer is swim.

thanks for the giveaway
Morgan said…
Awesome! I like sitting on my front porch watching thunderstorms. :)
baukje said…
I am going in june to U K to visit gardens...
Jennifer said…
I love to sit outside and look at the stars with my husband.
Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said…
In the summer, I love to jump in the pool. I swear I should have been born a mermaid.

Thanks for the giveaway!
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com
Amanda ~ A Crafty Fox said…
what a fun giveaway! i would love to be included! thanks!!!
sandandstarfish said…
how festive! i LOVE them! I love adding garland to the house decor... it just adds such warmth to any room!
thanks for hosting...
and summertime favorite... laying out at the beach! picking up shells with my kiddo or going out on the ocean kayak to soak up what beauty nature gave us!
Misty.Creek said…
I love to watch my monkeys run through the sprinkler, just like I did as a kid.
Jen Price said…
I love summertime picnics! Thanks for entering my giveaway, too!
Tawny said…
My fave thing to do in summer is hang out at the lake. But this year my favourite thing to do in summer is get married! yay! :)
Brooke said…
Great giveaway! I've been wanting to make one of these, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

I'm just excited to be able to play with my kids this summer. Last summer I was laid up with a herniated disk and had to have back surgery.
Emily said…
Cute garland! Thanks for the giveaway.
Birgit said…
My favorite summer pastime? Sitting outside in the shadow, reading a good book, and eating some ice-cream! :)

Greetings from Munich,
Anonymous said…
...your garlands are pure delight and it should be great to win them...I'll keep my finger crossed for it and, in the meantime, thanks so much for this generous chance!

Hugs from Italy,

P.S. My favorite thing to do in the summer is to eat icecreams..;o)
Fowl Single File said…
Garden! I love tending the garden and reaping the benefits is an added bonus. Your garland would be perfect for July - it's so festive and fun. I'd love to try to make my own with the guidance of your pattern, too! Thanks!
Dusty said…
Garlands are so fun!

My favorite thing to do in the summer is nap in the shade on my patio swing with my little fountain running in the background - so peaceful.
Christy said…
I love garlands! Here's crossing my fingers that I win! Thanks for the chance!
Kelly O. said…
normally I love going to the cottage in the summer but this year we're having a baby in July so maybe hubby and the kids will camp in the backyard :)
great giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!
crossing my fingers!
sewfunky said…
i like to go to the beach and swim... :)

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to enter mine:
StephanieS said…
I would love to win such a cute garland and the pattern to make more. My favorite thing to do in the summer is swimming. But I also can't wait to go camping when my son is a little older. Thanks for the chance to win. stephspitzer at gmail dot com
Jodz said…
I love the long days where the kids can play outside after dinner.
Unknown said…
I love to go to the ocean. We live pretty close but we don't do it enough.

Breanna S. said…
Oh my favorite thing to do in the summer is read! I always have a summer reading list.
Little Ladybird said…
great giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said…
Would love to win this pattern. I can't do anything w/o a pattern! I spend four hours a week in a pickup so I have lots of time to read in the summer. Otherwise I'm sewing (or reading blogs). Thanks for the giveaway!
Victoria said…
My very favorite thing to do in the summer is sitting on the patio after the sun goes down surrounded by friends and family and sharing the stories of our days over apps and wine.
Anonymous said…
I like having bonfires and toasting marshmallows. They are great if you put one on a LU petit ecolier cookie. (hope I spelled that right, it's a cookie with a layer of chocolate, milk, dark, extra dark or hazelnut) and playing in the sprinklers with my kids. Thank you for the chance to win the garland, it will be great for a 4th of July party!
pixie_shadow AT
kristinorth said…
What a cute garland! Thanks for a chance to win!
wooLynn said…
I love the garland. Kayaking is my favorite summer thing.
Susie said…
Oh, this is so pretty and so perfect for the holidays! I am excited to check out your garland book! and for the chance to win it too.
My favorite thing to do in summer is nothing big, I just enjoy the extra time to play and explore with my kids, and the extra long sunlight hours to sit outside or at the beach on a balmy evening.
thanks so much
marcela said…
Oh my goodness. Thanks for sharing.

homemamaoftwo(at)hotmail (dot) com

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