Stamp Carving and More

I have been so tired lately!
Too many late nights arting.
I thought I better take a minute to blog a quick update on what I've been doing in all those late night party sessions.  First off, I am working on an online class for the Fiber Arts Connection.  So far the class is titled: Hand Carving Stamps for Fabric Design.  We'll see how that title holds up. In the class I will teach how to carve a stamp, how to use it to create your own fabric, and then how to use that fabric in a project.  With that in mind - what would you want to learn in this class?  What type of stamp would you want to make?  What kind of project would you want to make?

Here's a little preview of two fabrics you can make in the class:

I've also been working on a slow project.  A little Boro patchwork on my daughter's blue jeans using some of my sun printed fabrics:

I find this very relaxing but quickly found out how weak my skin is as it is feeling very sore.  I had to go buy some of my favorite "thimbles" as I've lost all of mine.

I am teaching ice dyeing to my guild next week and have been collecting all the goodies I want for class.  I was very excited to find more of these basket paniers at the dollar store.  They are great for ice dyeing because they have holes in the sides AND the bottom, allowing the water to drip out instead of sitting in a pool at the bottom.

I also have a quilt I want to get finished in time to enter the 43rd Annual Quilt Show at the Springville Art Museum.  I found a new way to baste the quilt I want to try out.  I'll let you know if it works.  So, time to get back to work!


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