Success for Melly!

My friend Melanie Testa has been creating beautiful fabrics for years.  She has written several books and magazine article, and was featured on Quilting Arts TV.  I have learned so much from Melly over the years and I am so happy for her!  Melly has designed a new line of fabric for Windham Fabrics called: "Meadowlark Market"!  Her fabric will debut at Spring Market and hopefully be in a store near you very soon!  I can't wait to see it all in person!  If you are going to Spring Market be sure to stop by Melly's booth at Windham and tell her I said "Hello!"

Here are a few spots to hear more about Melly and her fabrics:

Melly's video on youtube,
Windham Fabric's blog
Windham Fabric's website


Yeah! I always love to hear success stories! Keep on creating!

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