Garland Galore Giveaway

It's time for Sew Mama Sew's big giveaway again!
This year EVERYONE is a winner on my blog because I have two giveaways.
The first giveaway is a pdf pattern for EVERYBODY,
and the other is for ONE very lucky winner.
The first giveaway is my Garland Galore pattern.
Click on the link to be taken to Craftsy where you will be able to download the pdf pattern for all three garland patterns for FREE.  (You will need to sign up for Craftsy, which is free, if you are not already a member)

 The second half of the giveaway is a stack of 18 - 7" squares of beautiful fabrics and a package of binding so that you can create your own basic garland using my Garland Galore pattern. (Clarification:  Some of the fabrics are 7" x 14"  strips because I was too lazy to cut them)
So EVERYONE is a winner today just by clicking the links to get your free pattern, and then leave a comment telling me what your favorite spring flower is below and you will be entered to win the fabric.  The drawing will be open until May 16th at 5 p.m. PST and I will post the winners name on the 17th.  PLEASE make sure to leave your email address so I can get in touch with you when you win!


British American said…
I like hyacinths. They smell so good. :) Thanks for the giveaway.
ittehgaps said…
If it has to be a spring flower I would have to say Hyacinth cause one bloom can scent the whole house. Cindy
Barb Neiwert said…
Great colors in that selection - and thanks for the free patterns. My favorite spring flower would be a purple iris.
Beth said…
The crocus - they are so optimistic
Laura said…
Daffodils. Such a happy dancing little flower!
mumbird3 said…
Love those wild blue flowers - could really have some fun with those!
Katie said…
I like lilacs
Lisa Cox said…
I love roses, especially the yellow and pale peach ones.
Jennifer said…
Oh, the lilacs! They have the sweetest smell!
Sylvia said…
Love Lilacs! That fabric selection is my color scheme! Thanks for the chance to win!
Kim said…
Love amaryllis.
Anonymous said…
My favourite spring flowers are daffodils. I just love the bright colours :) Thanks for the give away!
Ramona said…
I love daffodils. I have many different varieties and I love it when they bloom like little rays of sunshine
Jules said…
I love hydrangeas in green and blue! I wish they wouldn't wilt in this Texas heat! Thanks for the chance to win!
christie said…
Lilacs are my all time favorite!! I love your fabrics...Thanks for the chance..
Desiree said…
my faves are peonies, tulips, and lantana

glazefamily3 AT
Victoria said…
I love lilies. and hyacinths. and tulips. and lilacs. What's not to like about spring flowers after a long, hard winter
Emily C said…
I love Morning Glories.
LittleHouseontheDairy said…
Lilacs are my favorite in the spring
Sylvia said…
Gerbera daisies are my favorite!
Beth said…
Lilacs in spring make me blissful!
Carnations are my favorite! Thanks for sharing your fun patterns :)
Jocelyn said…
I love Roses any time of the year :-) Thanks for the giveaway!
Sarah said…
Shayla Sharp said…
Wisteria, it smells so good and looks pretty too.
crazyestonian said…
I love tulips, especially yellow ones :)
Andrea said…
Thanks! I love hydrangeas.
rosewendy said…
Freesias are my favorite- pretty and beautifully scented.
Michell said…
Nice scented Freesias
Julie Kaye from KS said…
Tulips of any color. Thanks for the great giveaway.
mkjmc said…
I love the tulips
Lori said…
my favorite spring flower is the crocus. it is like, the earth has finally said winter is over and spring is here. woohoo!!
Alexis said…
I love dandelions (probably because my boys love them so much). Besides being given bouquets of dandelions in grimy little fists, fields of yellow are really quite beautiful this time of year.
Wild Irish said…
Tulips are definitely my favourite
Wendy said…
such pretty fabrics! i love gerberas and lillies, but i've no idea if they're spring flowers!
Afquilt said…
I love tulips! Thanks for the giveaway!
Ellen said…
Daffodils. They come in such a beautiful variety of colours and sizes.
Kay said…
I have downloaded the pattern, thank you so much. My favourite spring flower is the crocus, so pretty and such gorgeous colours too. x
rue said…
Violets are my favourite spring flower
Ruecmills at gmail dot com
JDBrown said…
i love lilies! even named my daughter Lily :-)
Sam said…
I love poppies.
Lia*s Handmades said…
My favourite spring flowers are tulips in all shades and colours. They're gorgeous!

Many thanks for the chance on these beautiful fabrics, love the colour combos!
Stitchin At Home said…
Peonies are my fav. Lovely pack. Thanks for the chance to win.
Lisa England said…
I like crocus because they announce that spring is coming! Although not so much in this year of endless winter.
sandyandcosmo said…
I love my spring tulips!
My favourite spring flower is daffodils.
sofen said…
My favourite is crowfoot. So colorful!

Btw I love garlands, I recently made 200 meters for our school! Made them from oilcloth. So fun!

jachelno at gmail dot com
Sandra :) said…
Hyacinths and daffodils - I see them on my walks and I know that winter is FINALLY over (or almost over, lol) :)
Lindsay R said…
I've grown to love daffodils because they are such a happy flower and one of the first to arrive after harsh winters!
ThreadCatcher said…
I like daffodils. They bloom early and the deer usually don't eat them. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.
Unknown said…
Wow! Thank you so much for the free pattern! You are so generous.
My favorite flower would be tulips
Mom C said…
I do love seeing daffodils after a long, cold, colorless winter. Thanks.
Vicki H said…
I love daffodils.
Cindy said…
My favorite Spring flower is the peony.
Carla G said…
I love the Crocus because they are the first flowers that poke their brave noses out of the dirt in the Spring. :)
Sarah said…
I love my lily of the valley thats blooming right now as well as my lilacs which are almost finished but smell good still, I also love ranuculas.
Sooli said…
Oooh, lovely fabrics. My favourite spring flower is an iris.
Unknown said…
daffodils and tulips
Nati said…
spring flower is crocus, I just love how tiny and delicate and colourful they are! Thanks for the chance to win
Sasha said…
My favourite is Fritillaria meleagris, my husband calls them snake heads, they are so pretty and one of the earlier ones around here.
Aimee said…
I love Daffodils. Spring doesn't count until the daffodils come up
WhoMom said…
I love tulips, and love to the visit the tulip fields here in WA! Beautiful fabrics!
Holly U said…
In early spring, I love whatever I see first that reminds me the snow and cold are nearly over! In late spring, lily of the valley. Thanks!
Kathy Davis said…
My favorite spring flower is the tulip.
Kathy Davis
atabanana29 said…
My favorite is Peonies!
Linda V said…
Love tulips. Such a happy flower!
Anita said…
Petunias are my favorite spring flower.
Quilting Tangent said…
Lilac is my favorite flower this time of year. Like the fabric backround on you site.

24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com
Marianne said…
I like Lily-of-the-valley but they don't grow here in Florida.
The Hungry Crafter said…
Beautiful! I always look forward to peonies in the spring!
Bonnie said…
Peonies! They're so pretty!
casiola said…
My favourite spring flower has ever been the daisy - sitting in the grass as a little girl and weaving a floral wreath.
Unknown said…
There are so many flowers that I adore, but my two favorites are hydrangeas and tulips.

just in case: m3reyna at gmail dot com
Bonnie58 said…
grape hyacinths. Great give away. Thanks so much for sharing
Reb Thack said…
Around here, our early blooms are camillas and roses. So I'd say those!
Anonymous said…
Favorite spring flower - tulip
Catskill Quilter said…
My favorites are lilies of the valley and wild violets!
Gill said…
I love lily of the valley
Jolien said…
Blossom, any type. It's always one of the first signs that winter is over, love that.
Rosa said…
I love Daysies!
Rocksteadyemme said…

Material Girl said…
I love daffodils!
Diane said…
My favourite spring flower is the crocus.
And... thanks for the free patterns!
charlotte l said…
Love the iris! Thanks
Sandra said…
I love red geraniums. Gotta love the color red. Thank you so much for the pdf garland patterns. You also have a great fabric giveaway. Just what all of us quilters want. Need to build up that stash again. Thank you for being a part of Sew Mama Sew giveaway and giving us the chance to win.

Sandi Timmons
Chirpy said…
My grandmothers orange poppies that bloomed on Mother's Day.
Susanm said…
Tulips! Mine are just starting to bloom.
Dee Spillane said…
Wow how generous you are, I just love that array of of fabrics. You have the best posts too.
Dee Spillane said…
Wow how generous you are, I just love that array of of fabrics. You have the best posts too.
Kristin said…
I've always had a soft spot for pansies and violas!
Unknown said…
Tulips are my favorite Spring flower! Thanks for the giveaway!
Kat said…
I love Sweet Williams :)
OhioLori said…
I looooove Daisies...and Sunflowers!
Alexis said…
Tulips are the ultimate spring flower.
Marti Taylor said…
I love Dahlia and lilacs. blackflowersacidrain(at)gmail(dot)com
Libby said…
Lilacs for sure !
audrey said…
I love tulips.:) Great fabric!!
jeifner said…
lilacs, the smell is divine.
Unknown said…
Hard to pick one spring flower but it would be daffodils - they are beautiful and so many types now and you can get them early or late spring varieties so there are some out somewhere for the whole spring.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com
Lee said…
One of mine is Iris! Thank you!
Unknown said…
A happy patch of daffi-dungles!
Anonymous said…
I love lilacs. Thanks!
dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com
Michele said…
I love ranunculus!
kt said…
I love pansies! Thanks for the chance to win!
barb said…
i dont know if it is considered a flower or a weed, but i love honey suckle. in the mornings and late afternoon you can smell them the best. nature's own perfume. i love these fabrics! i have always wanted to make blue color way quilt and this would be a fantastic start.
Diann said…
My favorite is the daffodil.
Abbi said…
I have long considered Iris my favorite but love so many of the others too!
Your fabric is very pretty!
abbi @
Anonymous said…
Meadowsweet -- such a lovely fragrance.

dink_kelly at yahoo dot com
Janet said…
My favourite is the crocus. The first one we get where I live.
Barbara O. said…
Crocus, because they are the first flowers to open in spring. Thanks for the chance!
Havplenty said…
Tulips and marigolds are fave flowers of mine.

I like the projects on your site. Glad I had an opportunity to visit during this blog hop.
Anonymous said…
lily of the valley. mmmm. smells sooo good!
Donna said…
Fuchsia for its outrageous color and style!
Anonymous said…
Lily of the valley. Thanks
MrsV said…
Tulips, with daffodils a close second.
Michele T said…
Pretty fabrics!!! My favorite flower is the Sweet Pea!!
Pamela said…
Purple Irises are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win!
Anonymous said…
I like bleeding hearts or daffodils. Thank you for this chance!
dcargill said…
Peonies are my favorite.
dcargill said…
Peonies are my favorite.
Crafty Coffin said…
I love daffodils! They are so bright and happy and there are tons of them planted along the roadside here - a bright spot for your morning commute.
Deb said…
I just planted 24 red geranium plants for my front porch and back they're really pretty and I love them!
Rhonda D. said…
I love lilacs. Thanks for sharing your garland pattern with us!
sue said…
Love lilacs for their fragrance and daffodils for their cheery color.
Sarah Cld said…
My favourite spring flower is definitely peonies!
auschick said…
i love daffodils
CaroleM said…
I'm really enjoying my rhodos this year. Beautiful in bloom!
SilverCat said…
Daffodils are beautiful!
tammi said…
The lilacs on my old fashioned lilac bush are my absolute faves.
Lily of the Valley - and thank you for the patterns!!
Robin said…
Who can resist the smell of lilacs?! Thanks for the pattern!
Lady J said…
I love lilacs. So does my husband.
Unknown said…
Thanks for a chance to win! julia(dot)glotova(at)gmail(dot)com
Mokki said…
Tulips are my favourite flowers.
Anonymous said…
My favorite Spring flower is Hyacinth.
Unknown said…
Must say I love roses but tulips are such elegant flowers!
Kelly Wilson said…
Hyacinths smell so nice. I also love gardenias. Thanks!
Carmen N said…
Usually I say I love pansies and violas ... but our plum trees are in full bloom right now and smell Wonderful!
PersimonDreams said…
Lilacs for sure! Thanks for the chance to win! lapaceksorchard at gmail dot com
Michelle said…
I love the asiatic lilys that are sprouting in my yard!!

detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com
BluesySpy said…
I love Hellabores because they come out when the snow is still on the ground and last until the end of summer.
Karrie said…
i like tulips :)
Erin Marie said…
I love white daisies, but it's so fun watching the tulips pop up in my yard. The first year we lived in the house, it was surprise every time I went outside. They're EVERYWHERE, which isn't a bad thing.
rebelandmalice said…
I don't know about a favorite, but I love poppies and desert willow orchids.
Texas Quilting Gal said…
I love the iris! So pretty!
DebbieKL said…
Cute! I love daisy's. We have a bunch of wild ones that are getting near blooming!
toffeepops said…
I equal opportunity *heart* spring bulbs - tulips, daffies, hyacinths big and small, since it means that spring is finally springing, and the days will soon be getting longers.
Thanks for the chance, I also have a soft spot for sunflowers, and am just starting on a sunflower wallhanging.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the giveaway! I love dandelions. I know, thats blasphemy for a lot of you. hoopla((at))thecrafties((dot))com
Tara G said…
Thanks so much for the giveaways! My favorite spring flowers are lilacs and tulips. =)
Kathy said…
I love tulips, especially multicolored ones.
DebraKay Neiman said…
I love Iris in any color. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Breanna S. said…
thanks for the garland patterns! My favorite spring flower is the pansy
farah said…
Stargazer lilies are my favorite flower. Thanks for the chance!
Jenn H. said…
Love Peonys and Daffodils
Shanny said…
i love lilacs!
Anonymous said…
Tulips are my fave!
Nita said…
Happy Thursday! The flowering trees are beautiful right now here in British Columbia, Canada :)
Chickpea said…
very cool Lisa! look at all those entries! exciting!


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