Urban Surfaces Giveaway

Leslie Tucker Jenison was the Queen Bee for September for The Printed Fabric Bee.  She chose Urban Surfaces as her theme because she loves the look of layered textures of old walls, peeling paint, and graffiti on building walls. I have been looking forward to this theme!  I wanted to do something that would resemble a wall with bits of paint peeling away to reveal other layers of mystery.  I started with a piece of fabric I dyed in one of my favorite color ways:
 Next I added a few words in turquoise here and there from a thermofax screen I made from an image I found at The Graphics Fairy.
I must have been very caught up in the process because I missed getting a photo of the next layer - another thermofax.  It was comprised of lots of scribbles.  I printed them in brown and yellow.  You can see a little bit of the results on the lefthand side of this photo of me stencil more texture:
The next layer of texture was created using a stencil I created from an image of tree bark.  I was certainly getting the theme of peeling paint down on my fingers and arms!

 I like to work with the motto:
"If you don't get dirty, it ain't fun!"
Actually I think I was keeping it pretty clean!
 After adding the layer of turquoise lines I thought I was done.  
But more serious consideration told me that the piece needed more depth. . .
 . . .so I added some beige.

And now I felt the piece was done.
If you would like to win this 6"x6" piece along with it's companions. . .
. . .then leave a comment at
before October 15th!

Don't forget to have a look at the blogs for the rest of The Bee to see how they created their pieces:


Lisa said…
ooooo, I love this fabric!!!! and I love messy, the messier, the better!
Vivien Zepf said…
Absolutely gorgeous! LOVE all the layers!
Awesome!I love the colors!
Thread Born said…
Love all those layers! Yet a really cohesive piece of fabric. Beautiful colors too!
Win Dinn, Artist said…
Gorgeous fabric...love the colours!

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