World Wide Blog Hop

I was excited to be asked by Regina Dunn to participate in the World Wide Blog Hop.  Basically everyone is sharing a little bit about themselves by answering a few simple questions and then sending the fun on to a few other bloggers.

1. What am I working on?
I always have several projects in the hopper.  Lately I have been working on a project using some new stencil's from Cecilia Swatton and Artistcellar.  I will reveal the projects I've been making with Cecilia's stencils on Oct. 27th.  I have been putting together a presentation about Blogging and Social Media that I will teach next month, as well as a class about Prayer Flags I will be teaching this coming Wednesday in Wales, Utah.  I also have ideas floating around my head and sketchbook for a few future projects I'm not ready to share yet.  Always something!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I like to experiment, learn new things and share what I learn. I don't know that this is any different from other artists - perhaps everyone doesn't enjoy the sharing part as much.  I really do like saying, "Look what I discovered!  Isn't it cool?!"  Perhaps one way I am different is that I don't like to follow rules.  Nah, I don't think that is really any different either!

3. Why do I write/create what I do?
^See the answer to the last question - I get ideas and they MUST be explored or else I will go crazy.  I have to figure out how things are done.  I am ALL ABOUT the PROCESS!

4. How does my writing/creating process work?
My ideas often start when I think "what if" or I see something and wonder "How did they do that?!"  Once these questions arise in my mind I have to spend time figuring out the next step.  I will write or draw in a sketchbook, in my calendar or whatever paper happens to be in front of me.  I will then often dive into the project right away, without experiments, if I feel I have worked out the details in my mind.  If I still have questions about how something will work together I will research it online and with supplies I have on hand.  Sometimes those things work out and sometimes they don't.  

Thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about me and I hope you will take the time to hop on over to Beverly Hart, Sylvia Lewis and Lynda Heines.  They are all very different, talented artists in their own genre's, and they are all good friends.


Sylvia said…
I love watching you work. It is so amazing how we go about things differently.
Regina B Dunn said…
I'm a big "what if" person, too. And I wonder "how did they do that?" I appreciate bloggers who show some of their processes. Art is like travel. It's about the journey, not the destination.
Unknown said…
I too love blogs that show the process and how they achieve things. Thank you

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