Handi Quilter
I attended a SAQA meeting the other night which was held at the Handi Quilter offices in North Salt Lake. I never realized just how many quilts were hanging at Handi Quilter. It is a wonderful quilt gallery - traditional, modern and art! Here is a little tour in case you can't go up and see the offices for yourself (they do welcome visitors!).
This is a part of the warehouse floor where all the machines are made and tested.
The second floor of the building is filled with classrooms, a kitchen, meeting areas and such. There is a room where videos are made. Handi Quilter sponsors "Quilt it! The Longarm Quilting Show" and it is filmed in this room. This is the classroom. Lots of lovely long arm machines!
As well as a nice area for sitting, learning and watching presentations.
There are a lot of quilts hung upstairs but as usual, I got so caught up in looking at them that I forgot to take photos! I did get a photo of Kaye Evans, and Brenda Groelz with a quilt that Kaye made and Handi Quilter purchased.
As I walked around I felt like I was running in to old friends with a number of quilts.
Marie Eldridge is a Handi Quilter educator and a member of Quilters Holladay, which I belong to. Marie's quilting is divine!
I came around a corner and ran into Sue Bleiweiss.
Unfortunately the sun was shining brightly in the office behind Sue's piece so I caught a nasty flare. It's too bad that flare wasn't up by the sun in the quilt. :D
Around another corner I ran into Kathy York
Frieda Anderson and Desiree Habicht reside over Brenda's desk.
The quilts I was very excited to see were those from the Quilt Alliance: Animals We Love exhibit. I didn't realize the very first showing of these quilts would be in my own backyard! The show was just hung the day I visited.
I've been looking at these darling quilts online as people have posted their finished pieces and so it was very nice to see them in person. I hope to go back and examine them closer before they leave! I managed to get a couple of close ups:
Lisa B. Fillion, aka UpstateLisa, "Olive, Olive you <3 p="">
SO Adorable!
Jamie Fingal, Girlasaurus
Victoria Findlay Wolfe, Man's Best Friend.
If you are in the area, make the trip up to Handi Quilter in North Salt Lake to see these lovely quilts.
The meeting I had at Handi Quilter was to organize the first SAQA group in Utah. We have a handful of members here in Utah and hope to organize a group of like minded art quilters to meet on a regular basis. If you are interested please email me!
(L to R) Kaye Evans, Lisa Chin, Anne Datko, Margaret Abramshe, and Brenda Groelz. Suzanne Hyland left before we took the photo.