I am thankful

Yesterday my husband and children put their busy lives aside to come with me downtown to have professional photos made. Over the years we have had photos made at Sears, Pennys, Kiddie Kandids and similar "studios." We have had a lot of mediocre photos taken at these places. One time the photos came back and one of the children was half way out of the photo! And the worst part was that we HAD to purchase them because my dear husbands parents were in them and they had returned to their home in another country. There was no way to redo the photos. It was terrible! We did have professional photos made once with a photographer who came to student housing. He actually took my favorite photo of our family so far. So why, you ask, do we keep going back to these barely adequate places? Well to be honest - It has always been about the money. This year is different. Our oldest child will be moving out of the state for law and/or graduate school soon and we decided it was time for some great memories in the form of some great photos. After all my dear husband and I are about to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in a few weeks and we didn't have professional photos at our wedding either, so it is time!

I hired a professional photographer and when given a choice of locations I asked for an urban setting. When it really comes down to it, we are an urban family. I might fantasize about living in the country, but we spend our time in the city, and our photos should reflect that personality. Ironically the photographer suggested we do the pictures on the street where my dear husband works. He and his colleagues laugh about the people having their pictures taken on the streets outside their offices because, despite the beautiful architecture of the buildings around them, they do not have any romantic ideas about the area. They know that there is a lot of crime on the street at night and that homeless people like to use corner areas as restrooms. However, the area is still a great backdrop and I like the photos I have seen made in this area. I decided it would be a great place to have photos made. We set up an appointment for the daytime, and stayed out of corners. I think that the photos will be more special because my dear husband works in the area. I had a wonderful time, and was very pleased with the photographer. I thought she was very good at looking at at the whole scene, and getting everyone just right. She was also very accommodating of all the shots we decided we wanted, even when the two youngest wanted to do something fun in a photo together. She had them jump off a bench and she shot their photo in midair. Our oldest daughter decided it looked like fun and joined them jumping off the bench. I cannot wait until we can view the photos online in a couple weeks! I know I will always have some great memories of these photos and the moment in time they have captured.


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