Taking time to smell the snow. . .
The weather has been pretty rotten up here lately. We've had a nasty inversion where the news has told us to stay inside even if our lungs are healthy, and to limit driving as much as possible. And then finally we received a storm - it's been a small storm compared to what we need to rid ourselves of all gunk in the air (it was reported that we had the worst air quality in the nation one day last week). The storm started as rain and then yesterday turned to snow. First the snow was wet and slushy, and now it is the nice white powder we are famous for. . .
This was my view as I walked back from taking the hoodlums to school this morning, and I just had to stop and record it. Sometimes I get just get so caught up in the wet and coldness of it all and forget to enjoy the beauty. So here's some beauty for you to enjoy as well!