Class Giveaway

A blog friend of mine is having a great giveaway on her blog.  You can win a place in her Joggles class.  Watch this video to get more information.

I hope I win and if I don't I hope YOU do!


landbeck said… Is "Brown Paper Package" and announcing a quilt challenge So You Think You Can Quilt. Send Leslie your 5 favorite/best quilts to be considered for her monthly thematic quilt deadline. Prizes! Tell your quilting buddies! It sounds like fun, and a good kind of challenge. I like open-ended challenges and the size is just right. I think I'm signed in as Johnny. Oops. Jen, over and out.
Jennilyn said…
Ohh, I have your comment in writing--I did enter "So You Think You Can Quilt" so it is YOUR turn!

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