Getting Ready

I'm getting ready for my sister to fly in tonight to visit me for the weekend.  I'm so excited.  And at the same time I am getting ready to teach next week at the Utah Quilt Guild Quilt Fest.
Why does it seem that getting ready to teach 3 half day classes is just as intense as getting ready to teach 3 all day classes?  
"I know! I know! Pick me, pick me!"
It's because I still have to schlep the same amount of stuff!
I've been making lists in my head for weeks and I finally started getting them on paper last night.  I'm thinking I need to buy some serious containers to pack all my supplies.
Look how pretty:
I could really arrive to class in style.
I'd be the cool teacher with all the awesome supplies contained in beautiful boxes.
Why isn't there a Container Store in Utah?

I guess I'll need to think practical:
But if I am really thinking practical I will need to keep within my budget:
So whatever it takes, I'm getting ready and gettin' there.
Hope to see you there.


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