
I had the opportunity to take a little tour of the Handiquilter facility in North Salt Lake last week.  Handiquilter makes 24", 18" and 16" long arm sewing machines as well as my favorite the Sweet 16 sit down model.   All of their machines have parts made throughout the world but they are each assembled and tested in North Salt Lake, Utah.  

Darren, the Chief Financial Officer of Handiquilter, was our tour guide.
It's not a large assembly plant but it gets the job done.
I was impressed to find out that each and every machine goes through hours of testing at different speeds to make sure it will work properly when it arrives at your house.
Every machine is also set up and stitched with for at least 20 minutes.  The quilt sandwiches created from these hours of testing are bound and donated to local charities.
This gentleman is assembling a new machine.
And here is a tester at my favorite Sweet 16 model.
I was able to spend about 4 hours playing on several of these Sweet 16's.  I'm still saving my money for one of these babies. I love the open arm space of these machines and being able to see everywhere you are going.  Lots of power and lots of fun!

Thank you so much to my new friend Anita over at Annie of Blue Gables who allowed me to hijack her photos for my blog.  I can't believe I didn't think to bring my own camera!


Bev said…
Their facility is awesome. I was there last week too and got to try the sit-down Sweet Sixteen. Fun machine.

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