Spring Inspiration

The Peonies are in bloom at my house.

I had to bring a few in and let their scent permeate the house.

I love peonies.
The roses are blooming too.
My sister bought these yellow English Roses for my birthday one year.
They smell fabulous.
I wonder if their petals would make a yellow dye?
This pink rose bush belonged to the previous owners of the house and I dug it up 10 years ago when we moved in.  It was in the spot I wanted for my vegetable garden.
It refused to die.  
Every year it comes back right next to the vegetable garden fence and despite the fact that it doesn't have a wonderful scent, it is beautiful and so I have let it grow.
What is blooming at your house?


Sylvia said…
I love your flowers! I have so few in my yard. Other than the native flowers (IE weeds).

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