
Showing posts from January, 2013

Love Birds Journal

I finally figured out how to use my Silhouette Portrait yesterday.  It's really not that hard to use - WHEN you follow instructions!  I finally took the time to watch a few very short videos and discovered my mistake - TAKE THE PAPER OFF THE BACK OF THE FUSIBLE BEFORE running it through the cutter.  A simple task really and one that make a very big difference. The fabric cut perfectly, even the smallest of pieces. And so after some playing around with the computer program I designed this lovely little journal cover. Two little love birds snuggling on top of a heart and stating the obvious. It's now on sale in my Etsy shop.

A New Toy

I have a new toy.  A  Silhouette Portrait . Most people use them to cut fabric and make really cool vinyl signs to put up on the wall or the back of the car but I wanted mine to cut out cool designs from fabric. These next few pictures describe how I feel about it. . .  The circles in the letters were also cut out but I didn't take them out before I took the photo. I really love the negative image I got out of this as well. Tomorrow I'll show you the final projects I made.

One Kings Lane

One Kings Lane Day of Furniture They're more than places to sit or surfaces to dine on; furnishings are the building blocks of a well-designed room. And no matter what kind of spaceā€”an elegant boudoir, a modern home office, a relaxed outdoor areaā€”youā€™ll find right here all the elements to make it perfect. Bedroom Basics Event Sweaters, accessories, even your daily diaryā€”everything in the bedroom should have its place. Contain the clutter and choose from this assortment of bedside tables, dressers, and armoires, each with storage and style to spare. Chairs Event Armchairs, club chairs, side chairs, and more: Mix, match, and find the right seat for the right spaceā€”no matter your styleā€”with this diverse assortment (and a few helpful pointers on using them in new and refreshing ways). Storage Pieces Event Whether you're looking for a narrow Ć©tagĆØre for your modern studio apartment or a wall-spanning, statement-making cabinet for your formal dining room, you...

Another Outdoor Concert Quilt

I can finally blog about the new Outdoor Concert Quilt I made over the holidays for my friends, Lori & Jim. I decided to go with one fabric instead of two for this blanket and I love the way it turned out.  I really like the pockets in this quilt so that you can easily throw in a few things and not need to lug another bag.  You can find the pattern to make one of your own in the 2012 issue of Modern Patchwork.   The magazine is on sale right now in the Interweave store for only $7.50!  It's a great time to get some great patterns.

Special for You

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, why not create a  Blurb photo book  filled with your favorite moments for that special someone. Instagram books and Facebook books are quick and easy to create and make the perfect little gift for the one you love. For more ideas and inspiration go to . And remember that from now through 2/14 you can save 20% on your entire book order with code  MYBOOKLOVE . 

49er Boxers

Wahoo!   Another item off my "To-Do" list:  A commission for these two pair of 5 panel boxers . And if they look familiar it's because, yes, they are for the same person who ordered them a year and a half ago.  I've made several pair for her over the last couple years and now that the Niners are in the SuperBowl it makes them even better!

Making Something!

I didn't realize how much I had missed creating these past few weeks.  I've tried to fit something, anything, in but with the holidays and then moving my studio it just wasn't happening.  I had a special order come in for produce bags and while creating produce bags has become a bit routine for me, this commission gave me just the right motivation to get my studio in order and SEW! Six of these bags will be making their way to Rhode Island tomorrow, along with two rice bags. . . . . . but four of them will be staying with me for just a little longer. Who knows where their final home will be. Whew - now to finish up my other projects!

Up and Working

Things started out well enough as I moved into the new, smaller studio once the bones were moved in.  However I have a lot more than bones that needs to go in my studio! Messy, messy, messy!  It's still not as orderly as I would like but it is now in working order. I still want to put up some shelves.  All of the green lidded bins are going to be on shelves above the work table but until then they are out of the wayish.  I'm liking the new dry erase and cork boards. All of my rulers still don't have a home.  I've been wanting to buy one or two of these rulers to put them in: It might be time to finally do that. How do you store your rulers? Anyone else have any brilliant ideas?

Freezing Bubbles

A friend of a friend brought this activity to our attention and my daughter and I had to run outside and give it a try! We blew bubbles and nothing froze. We thought that maybe it just wasn't cold enough so we went inside.  The thermometer said it was 16 degrees (F) so I decided to actually read the instructions and see if we were doing something wrong.  Of course we were!  Just blowing the bubbles isn't enough.  You have to catch the bubble and give it time to freeze so we went back out. It's hard to see in the photos but it is the coolest thing to watch in person! The photo above shows the bubbles when first caught and then magically as you watch you can see the crystals forming as the bubble freezes! The bubble looks foggy here because the bubbles are freezing! If the weather is as freezing cold at your house as it is here then grab some bubbles and give this a try.  You don't need a child around to experience the wonders of nature, just go...

Free Class!

Craftsy has a great class that has just started and one of the best parts is: IT'S FREE!  It is a Block of the Month class.  Block of the Month classes are a fabulous way to learn new techniques. Here are a few more great reasons to take the class: There will be a new block released each month. At the end of the year you will have a finished quilt sampler. Learn new quilt techniques each month. Taught by Laura Nownes, author of Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!! Missed a month? Starting late? It's okay - access never expires! OH, and did I mention there is a giveaway too?   Everyone who signs up for the Craftsy 2013 Block of the Month course , by January 31, 2013, will be entered to win a course kit with 11.5 yards of Robert Kaufman fabric, a $100 value. Craftsy will be giving away two of these kits!  So go ahead and click on one of the links, or the photo in this post and get started today.  There really is nothing to loose! Enjoy!

Beginning to Move

This was my daughter's room before it was messed up by her moving downstairs.  Cute little room. The room sat untidy like this until today when I decided I had the time and energy to move my studio in. Of course before I could move in I had to move the bed, nightstand and bookshelf out.  Once they were   out I moved this furniture up before lunch. The thread cabinet is HEAVY!   The drawers don't come out and I was too lazy to remove all the stuff because I believe the weight is from the cabinet, not my threads.  I had to "walk" the cabinet up the stairs, tipping from one side to the other to go up the stairs.  I was huffing and puffing by the time I finished bringing up just these 5 things. After lunch I took apart my big shelving unit and reassembled it upstairs. I started to bring up some of the tubs when it was suddenly time to pick up my daughter from school. I made  kindly asked my daughter to bring up the rest of...

2013 Goals

I've chosen the word FOCUS as my word to concentrate on this year.  I feel like I'm a bit A.D.D. sometimes and I need to actually focus on some real goals instead of flying from one project to another. Some of the goals I would like to accomplish this year are: 1) Finish The Sketchbook Project - I'm not sure if this will happen before next weeks deadline but I thought I better list it anyway. 2) Quotable Art Journal Challenge  - Must be mailed this week! 3) Finish quilting baby quilt and lap quilt.  These are gifts that have already been given but aren't finished.  If that makes any sense. 4) Enter some big girl shows - a few ideas of show's I'd like to enter: Sacred Threads  - Registration opens January 9th Sister's Quilt Show  - Registration opens February 1st Text Messages - SAQA Exhibit - Registration opens February 1st What's For Dinner? - Registration opens March 29 Quilt National??? 5) Participate in some fund raisers: Ki...


The end of 2012 has been a bit rough; Full of ups (my sister's wedding, family home and the holidays) and downs (my sister-in-law dying after years of illness).  I am now putting on my rose-colored glasses and looking forward to a positive 2013.   I thought it might help me if I spent a few days posting some of my goals for 2013.   My first goal is to organize my studio.   Life has taken a toll on the tidiness of my studio, however organizing the studio has become a complicated process.  My husband and I decided that with our two youngest only having a couple years left in the house (we're counting on them moving out for college - one can dream!) we would let them move downstairs into the 2 larger bedrooms.  One of those bedrooms, however, is my current studio.  This means I will be moving the studio upstairs into one of the smaller bedrooms.  This bedroom is a little more than half the size of my current studio. The room is also st...

To New Adventures

2012 was a wild and crazy year filled with joy, excitement and sorrow.   I've had some accomplishments with my work being published  more than once. I opened an Etsy and Craftsy shop, and taught at several retreats and local guilds.  I also had the opportunity to meet many of my online-mentors. Who knew my 50th year of life could be so full! I know that not everyone has these opportunities. My sister-in-law, Moy, has been ill with Lupus for about 30 years and as a result her kidneys have failed.  She was not a good candidate for a transplant and finally about 2 weeks ago she was told that she would not see another Christmas.  She has had a rough life fighting her body but did her best to remain of good cheer.  There have been times when it was difficult to keep an upbeat attitude but I don't know that I could have done any better.  She fought hard to live but her body finally gave out on December 29th, at the very young age of 49. ...