Sewing Projects

Pet Postcards - 2014

Marie Antoinette

Sun Shibori Prayer Flags - 2013

 Gift Tags for the Quilting Arts Gift Tag Challenge 2013

Breast Pocket for Melanie Testa, 2012

 Fabric Postcards sold at Quilt Festival 2012
for their Pet Project
 ATC's 2012

Painted and Pieced Journals 2012

Mixed Media Apron
pattern published in Quilting Arts Gifts 2012

Snowman and Kitty from Melly & Me Patterns

Burp Cloths
And More Aprons!
And a Little Girl Apron tried on by my big girl:

Re-usable Produce Bags
(Pattern published in Quilt Scene, 2011, AND Craft Tree: Modern Projects)
And Lingerie Bags

Re-usable Lunch Bags
And Sandwich Bags
Re-usable Napkins

Rascally Monkeys, Funky Chicken and Wise Owl
patterns by Melly & Me

Mod Kid Kyoko Dress

Wool Babies (Knitting done by my friend Sandy)

Pleather Journal
Book Covers

5 Panel Boxers

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