Award of Excellence

 Murder in the Garden won an Award of Excellence at the Form, Not Function: Biennial Quilt Show. This is the first time I have won an award at a quilt show and I'm thrilled. If you are in the New Albany, Indiana/Louisville, Kentucky area before April 12th, then stop in to the Floyd County Carnegie Libary Cultural Arts Center to have a look at all the beautiful fiber art on display!

Quilt judge, Michelle Amos, standing in front of Murder in the Garden, at the Cultural Arts Center.

Opening Night at the Form, Not Function show.

Quilt Judge, Kevin Womack, discussing the show on opening night.
I don't have a photo of the third judge, Terry Jarrard-Diamond.

I wish I had been able to attend the show's opening but family stuff kept me home.
The photos of all of the quilts are online at this link, and as always, I'm certain they are even more amazing in person.


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