About Me

As a child, I constantly wanted to buy new arts and crafts projects.  I rarely finished a project before wanting to move on to a new one, and as a result I often felt like a complete failure.  As an adult, I realized I didn’t complete the projects because my joy was in learning how something was made, not from the finished project.  This discovery taught me to embrace the process, and not be afraid to learn something new.  I also found out it was okay to not finish a project sometimes.  That said, I realized there was joy to be found in finishing a project and so I challenged myself to work at mastering the fine art of finishing.

 I began my journey into fiber arts as a traditional quilter 30+ years ago.  I enjoyed the challenge of creating something new from cut up commercial fabrics, however I soon found I didn’t enjoy creating the same block again and again.  My eyes were opened to a whole new world when I began attending a quilt guild in my area.  The guild had several talented art quilters and I soon learned to dye, batik and print my own fabrics.  I then used those fabrics to create my own crazy designs by breaking a lot of quilting “rules.”

For me, creating is all about finding joy in the process. I love sharing that process with others.  I hope that visitors to my blog, as well as students in my classes, find this same joy as they learn new techniques.

Contact me to book classes, or ask questions, via email: something_clever (at) msn.com


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