To New Adventures

2012 was a wild and crazy year filled with joy, excitement and sorrow.  
I've had some accomplishments with my work being published more than once. I opened an Etsy and Craftsy shop, and taught at several retreats and local guilds.  I also had the opportunity to meet many of my online-mentors.
Who knew my 50th year of life could be so full!
I know that not everyone has these opportunities.
My sister-in-law, Moy, has been ill with Lupus for about 30 years and as a result her kidneys have failed.  She was not a good candidate for a transplant and finally about 2 weeks ago she was told that she would not see another Christmas.  She has had a rough life fighting her body but did her best to remain of good cheer.  There have been times when it was difficult to keep an upbeat attitude but I don't know that I could have done any better.  She fought hard to live but her body finally gave out on December 29th, at the very young age of 49.

I hope you, my dear friends, will be able to move into 2013 filled with optimism.  Personally, I hope to carry with me the same youthful enthusiasm my sister-in-law carried through her life.  
I will miss her laugh and sense of humor.  
When I was preparing her photo for her obituary I accidentally turned her purple.
I could hear her laugh beside me and say, "Yes, yes!  Use that one!"  
And so I will, at least here on my blog.  
Miss you Moy.  
See you on the other side some day.
In the meantime, we both have new adventures to explore.


Jeannie said…
Lisa, I am so sorry for your loss. To loose someone so young and full of live to an insidious disease like Lupus is so very difficult. Sending you and yours warm hugs and wishes for peace in your hearts. Wishing you a beautiful beginning to 2013. With Moy's spirit by your side in the studio, I know you will reach new goals and exceed your own expectations. Hugs.

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