Dyeing for Results

Keiko anxiously inspected the dyed fabrics as I laid them out to photograph them.
She really likes this piece!
It's the top of the snow dye parfait.
This is the bottom of the parfait:
The colors are much darker on the bottom.
This is the orange sorbet, dutch chocolate and rust brown:
This is the coral pink, chartreuse and light red:
Mister had to inspect them all as well. . .
. . .and he wasn't very happy when I decided to put them away.
He wants a pretty snow dyed blanket all for himself.


JBW said…
So pretty! I love them!
Jeannie said…
Gorgeous results!!! I love the crystal like effect.
Cheryl Lynch Quilts said…
Very nice. I don't miss the snow!
Dolores Quilts said…
Very nice! I have some lovely snow dyed fabric from several years ago, but we have not had any snow since then.
Lisa K said…
They are beautiful! I especially like the orange sorbet, dutch chocolate and rust brown. What type of fabric are you using?

We never have snow where I live, so I tried ice dyeing with good results.
Susie Monday said…
That orange piece is my have too!
Martha Ginn said…
These are beautiful, Lisa. And I'm glad to meet your precious studio assistants!
Martha Ginn-in Mississippi where snow is very rare.
Lynda said…
These are beautiful. Have you tried ice dyeing? If not, drop by my blog for a tutorial. Love it and ice is always around!

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