Guest Post

I've been asked to share my experiences with mono-printing on Gelli Plates over at . . .And Then We Set It On Fire.  I hope you will stop on over there and have a look!  I've spent the last week and a half creating my first video tutorial for this post.  I had a lot of fun and a lot of headaches getting it all together but, believe it or not, it makes me want to do more video tutorials!  Anyone have an idea for what they would like to see next?


Regina B Dunn said…
I just watched your video. Very nice job. Especially the tip about using white paint to pull together the muddy prints. It really does work. Thanks.
Susan Shie said…
Very nice, Lisa! I've never made a serious video with dubbed narration like that. I admire your tenacity, and you give me courage to try it eventually! I'm a Mac person, so I have iMovie, but have always chickened out! Thank you so much, Susan
Martha Ginn said…
Lisa, I enjoyed your gelli printing video. You don't sound like a first-timer--very well done!
Martha Ginn
Quilt or Dye said…
That was your first!!? It was so good! What did you use? I have been wanting to try it but was way to chicken.

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