Lost, Found and Back to Work

My camera and My blog go hand in hand.
I suddenly realized this when I lost my battery this week.
It all started with a dead battery, followed by me removing the battery from the camera and then not being able to find the battery charger.  I made the mistake of setting the battery down while searching for the lost charger and then becoming distracted by something else.

. . .and before I knew it a week went by and I couldn't find my camera battery, more or less the charger!  The worst part for me was that no battery meant no camera which meant no photos to blog!
Finally this morning I happened across the battery charger sitting next to my sewing machine.  After a little honest searching I found the battery sitting in my art bag. 
Time for some photos!
Most of this week has been spent sewing for my daughter's high school drama department.  I am serging and sewing bags for the actors' costumes.
Kirsten has been very helpful at keeping me on task by laying right under my chair.

This is the last of the scraps I've serged off.
 And now that the last 20 have been serged, it's time to sew them!
And I think you know who will be helping me.


Sylvia said…
See, I was right! It was right where you set it down! ;)

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