Color Magnet

I love this stuff. This time I used the color magnet with a couple of thermofaxes I made (the writing and eyes on the left), a stencil I made with my Silhouette (middle fabric), and a new thermofax I received from Carol Sloan (bee on the right). Here are the fabrics after the Color Magnet was applied and dried onto pfd: And here they are after they were dyed using Fiber Reactive Procion dyes in plastic baggies: Can you see why I love this stuff? The less dye you use the better the contrast. . . . . . and, for better or worse, the dye is attracted to the smallest bit of the color magnet. I was even able to layer the color magnet and have it all come out perfectly. The dye also attracted to the portions where the dye did not cover the background. This last piece was my attempt at a mosaic piece for The Printed Fabric Bee and it is my least favorite. I wonder how this would over dye? ...