Art Nouveau Challenge

The Art Nouveau theme was a bit of a challenge for me. I did a lot of research on Pinterest before deciding on a pattern. I started with a piece of low water immersion dyed fabric. I created my stencils and cut them out with my Silhouette portrait . Wow, there's a surprise! I made a stencil! I've been doing a lot of stencils with The Printed Fabric Bee. . . . . . maybe next month I should try something new. . . . . .or maybe not. hahaha I didn't make enough bridges on this stencil and so it was difficult to paint at times because the swirl liked to catch on the brush. I had to be creative holding down the thin bits, and I got lots of paint on my hands. But it's not fun unless I get messy! I had a one yard piece to work on so I experimented with various colors. I used Jacquard fabric paint and stenciled in yellow, brown, red and even mixed some yellow and red to get just the right orange. I always struggl...