Monoprinting in Heber

Last Saturday was Monoprinting day at my friend, Timmy's studio in Heber.  I rode up with another friend, DeAnna, who needed to make a stop at the hardware store on the way up.  We spent a lot of time looking at all the gadgets and gizmos and figuring out what might make lovely marks in our mono printing. Looking at mark making items is almost as much fun as the making!
 Before we got started printing, Polly (far left) showed us a couple of pieces she is working on which she created using monoprinted fabrics and lots of lovely hand stitching. She was hoping to include these pieces at her show that starts today (Friday, April 17th) at the Charley Hafen Jewelers Gallery.

 Timmy has many lovely collections at her studio in Heber.  She recently had rods installed so that she could display all of her beautiful handmade purses.  She has made a few but most of them have been purchased from artists around the world.

 This beautiful Shibori robe is a new display as well.  
The amount of tying that went into this piece is incredible!
 Timmy showed us a few of her monoprinted pieces during our lunch break.
 She had them all pinned in to a sketchbook, with cut out frames around each.
It was a very clever idea.
 I spent the morning working on my fabric for The Printed Fabric Bee, which I will reveal on May 1st.  The rest of the day was spent creating 5 large monoprinted pieces using Timmy's 12"x14" Gelli Plate.  I found a few fun items to try out on the plate when we made a stop to the dollar store after the hardware store.  The cardboard hands were inserts from some gloves my daughter ordered for a cosplay.

I had a great time creating!  I wasn't feeling the hand/glove piece very much.  I thought it was just okay.  Maybe it needs more layers still, so I put the hands aside and moved on to using texture from the bubble wrap, pool noodles and stencils.  I've decided not to share the pieces yet as I want to use them in a quilt and enter it into a show that doesn't allow photographs before hand.  It was overall a wonderful and exhausting day!
What have you been up to lately?


Sylvia said…
It looks like you had another fun adventure at Timmy's! I am going to have to meet this gal sometime!
Lynda said…
Lisa, It sounds like another fun day. I absolutely love shopping at the hardware section. So much interesting stuff. Those hands are really pretty neat - funny I was thinking of hands yesterday - looking at some healing hand charms! Anyway, thanks for again sharing your creative adventure. Guess we'll just have to wait to see what you're working on. Darn!

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