Falling off the Earth

I thought that once the Reclamation show was set up and off my plate I would be able to take a little time to catch up on blogging, however that doesn't seem to have been the case! If you only follow my blog you might think I have fallen off the earth. But no, I am still here, working away. I have been working on getting things together for our guild's dye party in a couple of weeks, as well as putting together a Webinar titled: Printing Fabric with a Gelli Plate The webinar will take place on July 29th. Then of course there is the job of getting the teens here and there with one planning on moving out within the next couple of weeks. When you are the parent of toddlers you always think they are going to be easier as teenagers when they can do things for themselves. That is both true and false. Anyway. . . On Saturday, as I was driving my daughter home from work, we came across a yard sale that was closing up. My daughter found lots of treasures: t...