Reverse Stamping on a Gelli® Print

I recently ordered Lesley Riley's book Creative Lettering Workshop , and her Reverse Alphabet Stamps. I desperately needed a play session and so I broke out the stamps, paints and Gelli® plates. These stamps create reverse letters, therefore if they will create backwards letters if used directly on paper, but when used in a transfer situation they come out perfectly forwards. I really like how the individual stamps can connect together. You can put them all together and store them in a big rectangle. I still need to figure out a storage place for mine. I played around with some cardstock, inks and paints. The words on the pieces in the upper right are stenciled on after printing. I went a little crazy stamping about. Because the Gelli® plate is soft I tried to be careful with how hard I pressed the letters into the paint. Too soft and the letter was barely there, and too hard and I got an imprint of the box around the letter....