Spring Clean Your Studio Blog Hop

The Fruit Trees are blooming so that must mean. . . It's time to Clean! I posted a photo of my very dirty 9'x10' studio on social media and Cheryl Sleboda over at Muppin.com immediately invited me to be a part of her Spring Clean Your Studio Blog Hop 2016 . It's so nice to have supportive friends that encourage you to get your rear in gear and start cleaning! I could have ignored her request and kept making messes, after all I could still see most of the floor, but when all the table and ironing board surfaces get covered I start itching to clean. Of course cleaning creates all kinds of new messes. Items must be moved, cleaned (the fan was full of cat fur!), or tossed, before finally making their way back home. (Some day I'll have a naming contest for my mannequin. It seems a shame that she is nameless.) Anyway - one of the studio assistants decided I cleared this spot out just for him. Of course that stalled progress ...