Utah Quilt Fest 2016

Last week I had the privilege of teaching two classes at the Utah Quilt Guild's Quilt Fest.  I taught a half day class on carving rubber stamps for fabric design, and a full day Dye Party.  

Getting ready to teach is exhilarating and exhausting.  Lots, and lots of supplies to buy, put together and pack.  Lots of dyes to mix (my glove had a couple holes in it!).

Thinking through each situation to make sure I have everything and then getting it all in to the back of my van.  And then remembering to pack my own clothing, toiletries, medications, and any personal projects to work on after I teach.  Exhausting!!!

BUT the classes are exhilarating! I had so many great students, and the students are really what make the teaching worth while!  These are some of the students from the rubber stamping class.

Our classroom for the Dye Party was in this beautiful atrium because we were next to a door with a hose and places to dump the rinse water.

The quilt on the rack was made by my friend and student, Virginia.  She used all of her hand dyed fabrics from previous dye sessions.  It is a gorgeous quilt!  

 I taught a few Shibori methods, as well as low immersion dyeing, and marbling with shaving cream.  

There was a storm expected but we had perfect weather for dyeing during the morning session.  We used the bushes as our dry rack once the drying rack was full.  

Thankfully a couple ladies stayed for a bit during lunch because the wind picked up and started blowing pieces away!  They were able to get everything in side before the big winds came.

Once the wind stopped, the rained poured and the power went out!  
The entire city went out, and there were trees down all over the place.
We just kept dyeing fabric because we were oblivious.
Having fun can do that to a person.

After class, on the way to the hotel room there was a beautiful rainbow!


Lynda said…
Wow! Looks like two great classes!
Unknown said…
Looks like it was a blast!! <3

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