Inspiration and Work

Sorry about the quietness here on the blog, it has been a very busy month filled with work, trips, illness and fun too, so I will do my best to catch up on what has been going on since I last posted. I created two small free form pieced wall hangings. This piece was for a show at the Bountiful Davis Art Center, and is created from pieces of my Cyan Dyed fabrics. She will be returning home next week. This piece still needs to be finished but will be entered into the "Threads of Resistance" show. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will make it in the show. It is the first piece I have hand quilted in a very long time. The cats sure like it! Just before the hubby and I went to take care of our grandson for a weekend I caught a nasty head cold. I haven't been able to shake the stuffiness in my sinuses and have had quite a few bouts of dizziness leading to a visit to the ER, a follow up with the primary care doctor and now an upcom...