Mistyfuse and Brooklyn Model Works

My second day in New York was spent getting blisters on my feet.
It was my own fault, as I made the mistake of wearing shoes I had only worn once before.
Hopefully I have learned my lesson, but I doubt it.

Once we finished searching thrift shops for shoes, ties, sunglasses and shirts for a Brooklyn Model Works project, John, Iris and I headed to Brooklyn where I got the grand tour of Mistyfuse headquarters. Funny thing is, this is the only photo I took of the entire floor which makes up MistyfuseI really do love the Goddess Sheets.

Iris asked me to take some product photos for her so I will share a few of those.

John's Brooklyn Model Works builds 3-D models for advertising, and the entertainment industry. They have built a lot of oversized products which are used in advertising.  These razors and toothbrushes were amazing!  So much detail.  The heads on the electric toothbrushes even worked.

They were working on two different mannequin projects while I was there.  
This is just a small part of the shop.
These mannequins were going to be "frozen."
They looked so real! This guy startled me when I came out of the restroom.

Even the puppy was to be frozen!

Update:  I found out the frozen mannequins were used in an advertisement for Geostorm.  You can see the video on Facebook by clicking on this link.


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