Reduction Printing at SaltGrass Printmakers

Decided to work on my carving skills by taking a printmaking class at SaltGrass Printmakers with Stefanie Dykes. The SaltGrass Printmaker studio is awesome.

This was my original drawing for the reduction print.

Before we started our reduction prints, we created some art cards to trade.

Stefanie showing how to ink up the lino, 
and then how to line up the paper to print.

My print is the purple hippo in the center.

A week later we started printing our first layer of the reduction print.

And then time to carve off more.
And the second printing.
The class was over before I could finish.
I will have to go back next year to finish up!

A few of my classmates finished their pieces and they were magnificent!

I learned a lot from being around other printmakers and I really look forward to returning!


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