Korea Bojagi Forum

". . . the Korea Bojagi Forum brings together scholars, artists and textile enthusiasts from around the world for an in-depth experience of Korean art and culture. The art of bojagi is one of Korea's greatest and most widely recognized craft traditions.  . . . In traditional Korea, bojagi served functional purposes as wrapping and covering cloths. For many generations, women with no formal classroom training creatively repurposed precious fabric remnants into new objects that fulfilled a specific practical need. While functional, bojagi often display unparalleled artistry, and at the time when they were made, bojagi also embodied deep-felt spiritual and philosophical concepts in their choice of color and patchwork format. . . . With their abstract, two dimensional designs, bojagi are immediately accessible to modern viewers. Eyes attuned to contemporary art can easily appreciate the beauty, rhythm, and energy of bojagi's myriad compositions. . . .While makers continue to push the art of bojagi in new directions in response to the ever-changing circumstances of modern life, their intuitive acts of creation link past and present and bridge Korea to the world."

- Dr. Young Yang Chung, Founder and Director, The Chung Young Yang Embroidery Museum

I had the opportunity to show some of my work in the Korea Bojagi Forum in Seoul, Korea. I was thrilled to have my art considered and then selected to be in this wonderful show.  The show catalog showed up on my doorstep recently and it made me appreciate this honor even more. The art work in the catalog is breathtaking!  Have a little glimpse for yourself:

I am so inspired by the art in these pages.
I have so many new ideas now!

I can't wait to get started on my next bojagi piece.

I will be teaching Bojagi Fusion at Art and Soul, in Virginia Beach, on October 3, 2018. 
I would love it if you would join me for this fun and unusual class where we will be creating fused fabric and then piecing it bojagi style on a sewing machine.


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