Natural Dyeing

The Art Makers Makery in Salt Lake City is a great new space open to any artists who would like to rent the space. It's a great space for wet or dry art. Lots of space, and sinks! Add caption I took a wonderful Natural Dyeing class with Roxanne Vigos at the Art Makers Makery. We learned how to dye silk with an assortment of natural dyes and created the most beautiful pieces. Roxanne showing us the scarf we will be creating. We started with a smaller scarf using natural materials found locally: marigold, onion skin, lavendar, yarrow and. . . I can't remember the rest. Local natural materials My bundle before being put in a cast iron pot of boiling water. Examples of the differences a mordant and fabrics can make. Our still wet steamed scarves. The reveal! Long scarf bundles being placed in a pot of cochineal. Still wet scarves created with various natural dyes and dipped in ...