Collograph Printmaking Class

 The Utah Division of Arts and Museums Creative Aging Program in collaboration with South Salt Lake City Arts Council and Saltgrass Printmakers offered a Collograph Printmaking Class to people 55 and older. The class was being taught by one of my favorite printmakers, Stefanie Dykes, so I signed up immediately. It was six weeks of joyful making that flew by. We ended the class with a show at the Columbus center in South Salt Lake City.

Stefanie Dykes

Hi! It's me!

Collograph is a process of printmaking where a textured plate is inked up and put through a printing press. 

One of my first plates, created with paper and tape.
It was inspired by the painting below.

The bumpy packing paper I used for the circles.
It came in a package my daughter-in-law received.

My first print on a piece of shibori dyed raw silk

I carved a stamp of hands sewing for my piece.

I applied dry wall paste to a piece of book board and then pressed the stamp in to the paste.
It held the image perfectly.
I used a couple of pen caps to create the circles around the stamped image.
Once the paste was dry, I sealed it with shellac.

A few of my final plates.
Top: stamp pressed into dry wall paste; quilted fabrics sealed with gel medium
Middle: Plate from a few photos up; paper cut into hexagons and then stitched on sewing machine before sealing with gel medium.
Bottomish: Cotton yarn Crocheted and then sealed with gel medium; cross stitch and embroidery on burlap, Mistyfused to book board and then sealed with gel medium.

Stefanie putting my fabric and plates through the press while I filmed.

My plates printed on three different pieces of raw silk.
I experimented on linen, cotton and silk and ended up liking the shibori dyed raw silk best. After printing, and letting it dry for a few days I added some simple embroidery stitches.

Love this giant cutting board that makes easy work of chopping up book board.

Stefanie demonstrating the inking process.

Stefanie and all nine of her students at the final showing.

The show was held in the foyer (?) of the Columbus Center in South Salt Lake City.

Stefanie Dykes

Anita Albright

Leslie Proctor

Marti Ashby

Helen Peters


Joe Nigro

Marla Duggins

Lora Kohler

Nancy Monteith

My first prints on paper.
Top plate was created using just masking tape.

Lisa Chin

It was a fun and informative class. 
Looks like we are going to start a Collagraph club and meet once a month to print.


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