New Year, New Learning

 There was a big sale on classes through an online community called Domestika at the end of last year. There were several classes which intrigued me and so I bought them to help me continue my studies this year. Currently I am taking The Art of Sketching: Transform Your Doodles into Art by Mattias Adolfsson, an illustrator. I am loving his style because it is reminding me that I don't have to be a hyperrealistic artist to be an actual artist. All types of drawing are acceptable and wonderful!

Here are a few of the things I am drawing in his course.

I was shocked that my pens looks like pens. 
I don't know why, but for some reason I just didn't think they would look right.
It was a very exciting moment in my drawing journey.
Such simple drawings, but I like them.

Drawing the pen and pencil characters was a lot of fun.
I've always loved drawing faces so that part of the class was enjoyable
and I feel took them to a new level.

I used my Pitt Pens to add some color to the faces.

And since it is a new year, I took my illustration skills a bit further.

These are my self portraits. I always have a pair of glasses on my head. Often my sunglasses.

And this one expresses how I often feel. lol
I remember when I was much younger, thinking my art would always be "one hit wonders" because I didn't feel like I could ever do the same thing twice. At 60, I'm finally learning how to draw the same thing twice. 


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