Photo Emulsion Screen Printing

 I flew up to Seattle Washington to visit my family, but first I spent a few days with my friend Liz Kettle. We took a Photo Emulsion Screen Printing class with Dana Harris Seeger at Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN).

Liz and I

The light source we used to expose our screens.

Liz getting up and close and personal with the light.

Rinsing off the screens

Drying off the screens after washing them out.

Dana showing us how to pull a print.
All of our prints were pulled on to fabric.

Liz's beautiful branch prints

My wild and crazy prints.

Liz's yard is so gorgeous!

Morning sunshine coming through the Japanese Maple tree.
Waterfall in Liz's yard

Creek flowing away from waterfall.

Burned wood sculpture made by a previous owner.


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