
Summer vacation is like New Years around here. It is met with late nights, much rejoicing and lists of resolutions.
I started this summer by recycling an envelope into my
"Summer To Do" list.

I have a list of all the pre-paid, pre-planned activities
I've arranged for the summer:
Piano Lessons and lots of practicing
Volleyball camp
Art camp
Batik class
Dye class
Free Motion Quilting class
Brindy's Wedding
(wow, more of those are for me than the kids, that is a switch)

A List of dated activities I would really like to take advantage of:
Lavendar Days
Arts Festival
Urban Gallery Garage Door painting
Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House
Farmers Market

And finally the longest list -
things I would like to accomplish this summer:
Visit Renea (and maybe the beach while we are there)
Go strawberry picking
Make strawberry jam
Eat out of the garden
Weed the garden (gag)
Clear off the back patio so we can do lots of crafts outside
Hang the kids art in the hall
Quilt, quilt and quilt
Sew for Whimsy
Do more Sun painting
Go through boxes in the closet
Start an art journal
Hike in Millcreek Canyon
Go swimming
Go on a picnic
Walk to the library
Visit some of the museums downtown
and so on and so forth. . . this list goes on and on.
So here we are two days into summer vacation
and I can already check something off my list!!!
Here are the frames I bought a year or two ago
along with some of the artwork my "babies" have made over the past year.
These beauties have been collecting dust on the fridge or in a box but now. . .
they are all up on the wall in the hallway.
Aren't they beautiful.
Now if it will stop raining
we might feel motivated to accomplish a few more things on our list.


Jane Babcock said…
Where and when are lavendar days?
Jane Babcock said…
When and where are Lavendar Days?
Anonymous said…
Love love love the art work displays and I can't wait to see it in person. If your list gets overwhelming just take off all the indoor stuff ( I know thats your favorite) or save them for a stormy day. P.S. If you go to Lavendar Days, don't purchase any oils as I can get you my discount.

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