12 Twelves

We will never see another 12-12-12 in our lifetime and so to commemorate I am joining other artists in posting sets of 12 fun, artistic items from around the studio.  Here are my twelve 12's:
. . .12 Inspiring Books. . .
 . . .12 Craft Paint Brushes. . .
 . . .12 fabric dyes. . .
 . . .12 hand carved stamps. . .
. . .12 luscious hand dyed fabrics. . .
 . . .12 Inktense Blocks waiting to be played with. . .
. . .12 Shiva Paintstiks. . .  
. . .12 Signo pens. . . 
 . . .12 pairs of scissors. . .
 . . .12 yummy over-dyed silks waiting for inspiration to strike. . .
 . . .12 Superior threads. . .
 . . .and finally 12 Twelve by Twelves from The 12x12 Project.
I hope you will take the time to photograph 12 of something and post it to your own blog or facebook. It doesn't have to be 12 twelves, just one set will do.
Leave me a comment as to where to find your photo and if you don't post a photo leave me a comment anyway.  This is the only time you will be able to comment on 12-12-12!


Norma Schlager said…
How cool! Why didn't I think of that? Happy 12-12=12 to you, too,
PS did you know that last year 11-11-11 was National Corduroy Appreciation Day. No kidding, some people made a really big deal of it with conventions and all.
Frieda Anderson said…
cool 12-12.
I was at my PAQA meeting today and at 12:12 we all jumped up and cheered.
Beth said…
Lisa, You won the giveaway on the FIRE blog. Please contact me at beth(dot)from(dot)maine(at)gmail(dot)com
NM_Creatrix said…
Love your twelveses! It inspired me to look around for some of my twelveses!
See them here:
Bev said…
Very fun idea, Lisa!
Anonymous said…
What a great idea!

Here's mine:

Robin said…
I have enjoyed this...Thank you.

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