Magical Mail Portal

It was a fun week of packages!
I ordered one of these awesome apron's 
It fits my daughter's personality perfectly!
She has dreams of becoming a Costume Designer.
The pockets in the apron make it perfect for the sewing room.
I got a fun surprise in the mail too:
I purchased the at-home ticket to Quilters Take Manhattan which included this fun bag of goodies!  Included in the bag were a business card holder, thread, fabric, magazines, and coupons! Lots of fun fodder.
I also put a package IN the mail filled with three pincushions made with Lynn Krawczyk's new fabric line but I can't show even a glimpse until after Market at the end of the month.  I am also working with some new stencils from Artistcellar (more on those next week) and with a stencil I created to make some postcards for Festival Pet Postcard Project.  Proceeds from the sale of all the post cards will benefit Friends For Life, a no kill shelter in the Houston area.
Well, back to playing!
I hope you are making time to play too!


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