Thermofax Screen Printing Essentials Blog Hop & Giveaway!

Lynn Krawczyk has recently published a new workshop on DVD.  I LOVE Thermofax screens and use them whenever I can.  I was excited when Lynn invited me to review her new DVD class.
While I don't feel that Thermofax printing is that intimidating, I know it can be for others and I think that Lynn's DVD takes ALL the intimidation of this process.  She walks you through everything from choosing a good image, to how a screen is made, and how to create lots of lovely prints.  I especially liked her advice on how to line up the screen to create a two color print.  She also shows several fun projects to make.  I especially liked her birds printed on ATC's.  It gave me an idea for a project my daughter needed some help with.

My oldest daughter came home from DC for a brief visit and asked me to help her friend, who was recently baptized, bind some letters from the people at church.  Because of the small margin on the letters, and the thickness of each letter, my first thought was to take them to the print shop and have them spiral bound, however first we needed some covers.  I took some 140 lb mixed media paper and created a few Gelli® Prints.
I found out that his favorite color is green and so I proceeded to add some thermofax screening to the green prints I made.
 This is a screen I had made of a bridge blue print I found online in a free image website.
 I really liked how the image looked under the city.
On another of the Gelli® Prints I screened a few dragonflies.  I wish I had made them green or perhaps white instead of black, but oh well, I think I like the page anyway.  The circles make me think of little moons or lights.  I have been a little obsessed with Moon's lately.
 And lastly I screen a Gelli® print with a word cloud I created for some Prayer Flags.
 I made the mistake of using a wet foam brush on the first pass and so the paint smudged. 
 I took care of this by lightly going over the words in black.  This page ended up being his favorite and therefore became the front of the book. 
To make the front and back pages a little stronger I Mistyfused the printed pages to another piece of Mixed Media paper.  Once these were fused I took them to the copy shop where they worked their magic, giving my daughter's friend a priceless memory!

I hope you are feeling inspired to do some thermofax printing of your own because Lynn is generously donating TWO thermofax screens to one of my readers!  Simply leave a comment on this post by midnight (MST) August 25th and you are entered!  

Be sure to visit the other bloggers in the blog hop for more chances to win fun prizes.  Lynn will also be giving away a few copies of her DVD on Sunday!  But if you can't wait that long, you can purchase a download of the class by clicking here.

Monday August 17
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Tuesday August 18
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Wednesday August 19
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Thursday August 20
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Friday August 21
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Saturday August 22
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Sunday August 23


Unknown said…
I really like the white "moons" under the dark dragonflies!

Thanks for sharing your story of creating the bound letters. That's such a thoughtful gift! Nice work!
Pam said…
I love what you did. Thanks for sharing
Margaret McDonald said…
What a unique project to be cherished. I am one of those who think printing is difficult. Would love to win to give it a try.
Jo Vandermey said…
I love the thoughtfulness of this project. Truely a special gift!
I have never tried screen printing. It is on my list to try. Maybe this will jump start this girl to do it!
Bethany Garner said…
Awesome project Lisa... your daughters friend is blessed! And your own special use of the Thermofax is an inspiration for each of us! So many thanks!
Bethany in Kingston, ON
Unknown said…
Screenprinting, and especially thermofax screens are becoming a new obsession. I think using a gelli plate for the background is Avery clever and something I hope to try soon.
Lisa said…
Great gift! There are so many things to do with thermofax screens!
Unknown said…
Such inspiration, I can see myself getting into using the thermofax screens with so many different ideas.
Thanks for sharing your techniques with us. Your gelli prints turned out wonderfully.
Lynda said…
Lisa, Love how you used those thermofax screens in that book. Thanks for the inspiration this morning!
Deb Berkebile said…
I love the bridge screen! It looks really cute...and love the background of the buildings! NICE NICE!
Unknown said…
I like the use of the gelli plates and gelli prints as background for the thermofax images.
MichelleJ said…
I love what you did with the screens over the gelli prints. And how clever was that "save" for the smudged words! That is a good tip for future "design opportunities" - thanks.
eily62 said…
It was really great to read of your process. Thanks for sharing . I love the piece and what a cherish memory it will be.
FatQuarterQuiltFarm said…
great process pics, awesome result... what an amazing gift! You've got me jacked up to do some mixed media stuff and get some custom screens made. THANKS A LOT!! :D
Sona said…
I love how you combined several techniques. I have a few thermofax screens but been intimidated to use them. I NEED Lynn's DVD!
wlstarn said…
Cool book idea! My favorite piece in this post is the dragonflies!
Beverly said…
Love the book--I'm a big fan of Lynn's work, too, and am excited to try some Thermofax printing soon!
Shirley said…
watching your bookcover develop was So inspiring and encouraging...perhaps I COULD do this gig.
NM_Creatrix said…
I LOVE the bridge, will have to troll the free image sites, that is such a cool screen. Would love to win the give away
Helen said…
This is a lovely project - the colours work so well together. I think my favourite is the city and bridge image. I am itching to try out printing!
Gill said…
What a fabulous book - I love thermofax printing too!
Lynda Howells said…
Cool to see what everyone does differently, when they use their screens. Love your dragonflies. Good luck to everyone who enters the giveaway. What a lovely thing to do.x lynda
Unknown said…
Loved seeing your process and the final product. Always great stuff!
Tawney said…
Thanks for sharing your process. Love how you 'saved' the blurred words. I'm sure Lynn makes it as clear and easy as you do - she's good at that.
Deborah said…
Great book cover!
Dee Spillane said…
I am loving the screen printing. I definately need to get some screens. Are you selling the dragonfly?
Dee Spillane said…
Love these covers. Great prints and results. Very thoughtful!
Unknown said…
Love the architectural elements you added! Lynn was the artist that inspired my love of thermofax years back. I love using the gelli prints as backgrounds for screen prints.
Pamela said…
I have been reading about Thermofax printing for a long time and would love to try it! Thanks for sharing your beautiful project and thanks for all the inspiration on your blog!
Pamela said…
I have been reading about Thermofax printing for a long time and would love to try it! Thanks for sharing your beautiful project and thanks for all the inspiration on your blog!
johanna said…
i never had the Chance to get my Hands on thermofax so far... but now i will be on the look-out! your Project is pure Inspiration!
Vivien Zepf said…
What a wonderful memento and unique way to use the screens. Love it!
mumbird3 said…
Lovely project - I am sure she will love it! I have been dying to try thermofax printing!
Brilliant idea to copy the original fabric on a paper product! Thanks for sharing!
Bec Clarke said…
This looks like just the book I need to help me learn more about using my screens.Thank you
Michele Matucheski said…
I never thought of combining thermofax with Gelli prints. What a great idea!
LynneP said…
I think your dragonfly page is wonderful!
Thanks for the chance to win.
jlpfeffer at gmail dot com
Theresa said…
Thanks for sharing your process; I love your artwork
Lots of layers, muted colors and a nice notebook in the end. Thank you for the chance to win.
Karen said…
This is a wonderful, thoughtful project, made with love. I am sure that it will become a treasured keepsake.
Debbie said…
I love all your layers. Thanks for the demo!
Anonymous said…
Very nice job on the book cover. Thanks for showing the mistake (wet brush) and your solution. It is from that type of sharing that we all can learn new techniques and gain new ideas.
Jean said…
Thanks so much for a chance to win! I would love to learn more about using a Thermofax! I have used one in mixed media work and loved what I got from the printing.
Christine Jermyn said…
Love your prints and would love to learn how to print with a thermofax screen.
Christy said…
What a lovely gift! Thank you for the chance to win the DVD !!
AnneM said…
Hi Lisa, Love your blog and all your ideas.

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