Hanging with Friends

Some of my best teenage memories are from hanging with my friends, doing nothing in particular. I hope we all have great memories like these:
Here is my Mom being goofy with her friends Bonnie and Hilberta in May 1959.
Look at those great stripped leggings Mom is wearing!
Mom wrote on the back of one of these photos that it was a Sunday afternoon.
Bonnie, Mom and Gerry on Gerry's porch.
Mom, Hilberta and Gerry.
This is my favorite picture from the series.
Bonnie, Hilberta and Mom leaning in the corn. Not sure what they are pointing at, but if my mother is anything like her granddaughters then they are not pointing at anything! The pointing and looking is all to make the photo look interesting. My how times do not change at all!


Anonymous said…
What GREAT snaps!!! How lucky you are to have such great old photos. I just love those little peeks into the past - so fun =]

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