Art Journals

During our visit to the Arts Festival my daughters and I were facinated with the beautiful Journals made by this artist. Her art journals were well made and called to us, but our pocketbooks would not respond to the call, and so my youngest daughter and I decided to try making the journals ourselves. I found a great tutorial on the internet and we went to it.
We used watercolor paper for the pages and a pleather we found on the remnant rack at the fabric store.
The pleather doesn't have the same wonderful feel that leather does, but it did the job.
We were both very satisfied with our first attempts at art journal making and can't wait to fill the pages with words and drawings.


Anneliese said…
Wow! Those look great. You should do that for an Enrichment activity and invite my ward. They look like fun to make and you can say that it's family history - your own personal journal.
Jennilyn said…
HOW do you overlap/transparency your copyright over your photos??? What editor do you use? Great idea--and love your art journals!!!! Did you sew your pages in? TEACH ME, please!

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