Snow Dyeing

Last week, it snowed.
So I dyed.
Snow Resist Dyeing.
I read about it in the Oct/Nov issue of Quilting Arts Magazine.
Soda Ash soaked fabric is scrunched in to the bottom of the bucket. 
Pack snow on top and dump dye over that. 
Bring it inside and wait for the snow to melt, then rinse.
I actually did four different buckets and loved it.
My fabrics aren't actually as rich as this photo shows.  I didn't use enough dye.  Next time I will but sadly spring snow melts all too quickly here on the foothills.  It snowed again Saturday night but I was too busy to dye and the snow is already gone.  A friend from quilting has a condo up at Snowbird and has invited us to come sew on Wednesday.  I'm hoping to grab some snow and do more dyeing while I'm there.


Jennilyn said…
Very cool! Our snow is finally gone, or I would run out and try it. I wonder if you could substitute shaved ice? Ice cubes?

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