Busy with "Stuff"

From looking at my blog it looks like I haven't been up to much because I havent' posted anything since I came home from the quilt retreat.  However I promise that I have been productive.  I am working on a pattern, my first published pattern, which will go on sale exclusively at Whimsy Cottage.  I'll post some pictures once it is finished.  I also finished quilting and binding my "Brotherly Love" quilt for a friend who was wounded in the military.  I will also post a picture of it once I take one.  I have mulling a few ideas around in my head - one for The 12x12 Project, whose current theme is "Green" and the quilt needs to be posted by Friday if I don't want to be late.  This means I need to actually take the ideas out of my head and put them onto fabric.  The other idea has been for a quilt challenge in which the prize is a new Bernina sewing machine.  My Babylock has been wonderful and isn't ancient, it's only 7, but it has a few issues and a brand new Bernina would be very nice.  I am sure the competition will be tight but how will I know unless I try!


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