Had Myself a Ball in a Small Town

I attended and taught at my first quilt retreat last week and had a great time.  So much fun that I kept forgetting to take pictures!  Here are a few I did manage to take. . .
Sandy and I stayed with our friend Sylvia and we took advantage of the beautiful weather by taking a very long walk up the "hill."
This is my new buddy Peaty.
He is very handsome!
We had trunk shows during the lunch hours that were very inspiring.  I forgot to take pictures while Flora was showing her quilts.  This photo actually looks like Bonnie is saying "Oh My!"
The new fabric company Riley Blake Designs came the next day and showed their fabrics as well as a trunk show of their quilter's past projects.
Sandy took a fun class from Flora where she learned a slick way of making these diamonds.
Sandy also taught three classes.  Sylvia taught a class called "Mended Hearts"

She also taught us strip poker!
Here are the strippers. . .
We bet with strips of fabric and the high card got first pick.
I taught Louis Lamb - here he is with his new Ute Jumper.
And Bonnie with her freshly shorn lamb
I also taught a wonky log cabin block.
And a Fourth of July Garland. . .which got a little out of hand. . .
I think we all had an enjoyable time!
I hope to go back next year!


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