
I've spent most of the day trying out an idea I had for a class teaching proposal.
Reverse Machine Applique using freezer paper.
I really like how the block turned out but. . .
. . . I don't like what I put together with the blocks.
While I was throwing it together it was "okay" but after taking photos I see that the plaids not matching up looks really bad.  I wanted to put a blue border after the red but I didn't have enough of any fabric to make it happen and now I hate all the green.
The great thing about this project is that I have learned that the seam ripper is my friend and our friendship is about to get stronger.
I'll post more after some rippin' and shoppin'.


Jane Babcock said…
I enlarged to get a better look and didn't even notice the plaids didn't match until you mentioned it later in the post. And I didn't mind the greens. I loved how the skies line up and combine to let you see inside.
Jennilyn said…
I loved your friendship bonding with seam-ripper wording. That is a much more positive way to look at the time spent with that tool than the things I have thought out loud...

With sillouettes lots of contrast helps. What if the background were lighter in value? And the center square--could be cut out in shape of barn or ...? I crave a focal point shape as cute as those lambs! Love them!

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