Running with the Torch

I love November. 
I love thanksgiving and thinking about what I am grateful for.  My friend, Jennilyn, put out a challenge on her blog to join her in blogging about the things we are thankful for every day in November.  For lack of better phrasing I have decided to pick up the torch and run with it.

The first thing I must acknowledge gratitude for is kind of silly and not the most important thing in my life but it is foremost on my mind today. 
My laptop.
My laptop has spent the last 5 days in the shop and came back stripped of all software.
I will have to spend the next month figuring out what software I love and miss and then reloading it and any backed up documents and photos if I can find the disks or downloads.  But now that my laptop is back I can check my email and reach out to family and friends, surf blogs for creative inspiration, organize and edit my photos (if the software loads), do family history, play a relaxing game of scrabble with my quilting friends and update my blog.


Jane Babcock said…
I'm grateful your computer is back. Good to have comments again.
Jennilyn said…
Nice! Yeah to a thankful month. I don't think it is silly to list what you really care about. I could have started with toilet paper. I know it has to be on this list somewhere, but couldn't quite do it as number #1 day.

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