Lunch Bags

I made up a couple sample lunch bags from the book:
Lunch Bags!  25 Homemade Sacks & Wraps to Sew Today
The bag on the left is a fully insulated lunch bag with a water bottle holder on the back and an inside pocket.  The bag on the right is an easy cloth version of a paper sack.
I was going to take them off to Whimsy Cottage today where they will be living but it's snowing like crazy.  I'm not sure if I want to go out in the snow or not.  I've been spoiled with some beautifully clear days recently.
Perhaps it is time to retreat back to the sewing room and make a few of the easy bags for my girls to take to school.  They have been teaching their fellow classmates all about reusable lunch gear.


Jane Babcock said…
Cute. I would never think of your fabric combinations, but I like them.
Anonymous said…
Love them. You are so awesome and talented - the whole green approach is pretty terrific. I might have to pick out some fabric for you to make on for moi

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