More Art

I love the sculptures in the sculpture garden at the National Gallery of Art.
This metal tree really grabbed my attention.

I love trees and this sculpture seems to have grown from the ground. 
All the twisting and turning of the branches looks so natural.

Whenever I see Degas' dancers I think of my sweet ballerina. 

I loved the way the artist captured the a couple of the children's faces in this portrait.
 Especially the child who is looking up at her mother.  She is so sweet and genuine compared to the stiffness of those around.
 Not sure why I felt the need to take a picture of Napoleon's portrait but I did.
 I love Georgia O'Keeffe's flower paintings.  I wish there had been more of them.
 I really fail at taking self portraits but I wanted proof that I was there.  Despite being in the shade it was still bright outside - Guess I should have been wearing my sunglasses on my eyes instead of my head.


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